Johnson City ARA 146.79 to become System Fusion

146.79 Repeater to become System Fusion

The Johnson City Amateur Radio Association’s 146.79 repeater will be upgraded to a new Yaesu DR2-X repeater at the end of August, weather permitting.

The DR2-X replaces a Kenwood TKR-750 which has been discontinued by the manufacturer and product support is no longer available. Parts are limited to on hand stock only.

The new repeater will operate in both analog and digital C4FM voice in Automatic Mode Select (AMS). The analog tone will remain the same, 131.8 hz. No digital group ID is needed to access the repeater in digital mode.

The new repeater was purchased with a grant from the North East Healthcare Preparedness Coalition. 

In it’s community service mission, the Johnson City ARA supports the TN Health Departments Medical Reserve Corps and emergency communications during incidents, exercises and tests.


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